Friday, 21 February 2020

Totara Park

What an amazing day spent at Totara Park. We were so excited to travel on the buses but even more excited when we saw the beautiful scenery. The trees were big and green, and the pool was glistening in the sun. We got to play on two adventure playgrounds as well as go on a big nature walk. We saw Kereru's eating berries and could here many Tui's on our walk. The  best part though was getting into the crystal cold water. It was so much fun and we can't wait to go again next year!
Thank you to all the parents that came with us, we love sharing our fun with you all.


  1. Thank you tui5 for having me as a parent helper . Really enjoyed our trip and hopefully will be helping out again . Thanks again pisa

  2. thank you Mrs Martin for letting my mom go to totara and waiheke see you at school.Its me Christilee.
